• 持续饮用茯茶素对皮癣的预防、控制与恢复有很好的作用。




    1. 持续饮用茯茶素可帮助人体调理胃肠道菌群紊乱,提高胃肠道对营养物质消化吸收的效率,保障人体营养物质的均衡。营养均衡是免疫力强大的基础,除了饮食结构是否合理,胃肠道的消化吸收效率也是人体营养物质是否充足、均衡的关键因素。

    2. 持续饮用茯茶素可保持血液质量良好。血液质量良好,血液循环通畅,营养物质交换无障碍进行是免疫力强大的另一个基础。


    3. 持续饮用茯茶素可持续向人体供给细胞代谢所必需的活性微量元素。免疫系统是否强大,跟免疫细胞的活性状态有着很大的关联。免疫细胞的活性和多种必需微量元素直接相关。持续饮用茯茶素可向人体供给锰、锌、硒、钴等活性微量元素,增强免疫细胞的活性,进而增强免疫力。


    一般持续饮用 2-3 个月,即能观察或感受到效果,如红斑、水疱减少,瘙痒减轻等。


  • 持续饮用茯茶素对帕金森综合征的预防、控制与恢复有较好的作用。





    1. 供给人体正常代谢必需的铁、锰、锌、硒、钴等活性微量元素。
    2. 调理胃肠道菌群紊乱,提高营养物质的消化吸收效率并优化营养结构。
    3. 辅助降解大分子化合物,帮助降解依附、留存于血管及其他组织的斑块、代谢废物、残留药物等损伤因子,保护血管及各器官组织。
    4. 优化高密度脂蛋白与低密度脂蛋白的占比,提高血液的逆转运能力,改善血液质量,疏通血液循环障碍。
    5. 抗氧化损伤,减少或避免人体代谢过程中的氧化应激反应损伤组织细胞。
    6. 可以提高免疫力、自愈力,增强人体的抗感染能力及身体组织损伤时的自我恢复能力。

    所以,饮用茯茶素可以在调理整体代谢过程中帮助解决细胞中线粒体缺氧的问题,并增强人体的抗感染能力,进而帮助调理帕金森综合征表现。持续饮用茯茶素 3-6 个月左右,用户反馈的主要改善有:静止性抖动减轻,肌肉僵硬改善,运动迟缓改善等。随着饮用时间的持续,血液质量持续保持良好,细胞代谢逐步恢复正常,身体状况的改善会更加明显。


  • The disappearance of "emphysema" is one of the "improving reactions" of the chronic metabolic diseases such as refractory chronic inflammation.

    1. Experience sharing of a catechin user with emphysema. The user is 75 years old. He used to have long-term senile emphysema and hypertension and took medicine. When he learned about catechin, he started to drink catechin. After continuous drinking of TNA for about 10 months, the symptoms of emphysema completely disappeared, the blood pressure was completely stable, and the symptoms of chest tightness, headache, drowsiness, shortness of breath, and abnormal breathing gradually disappeared. What's more important is that during the drinking process, the gastrointestinal metabolism is improved, the stool is smooth, and the essence, qi, and spirit are also fully improved, and I feel a little restored to the state when I was young.

    2. Emphysema refers to the pathology of the distal end of the bronchioles (respiratory bronchioles, alveolar ducts, alveolar sacs, and alveoli) with reduced airway elasticity, excessive inflation, increased lung volume, or a pathology with airway wall damage. The condition is usually caused by chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, and extensive bronchiectasis.

    After drinking TNA, TNA can effectively regulate the imbalance of the microbial flora in the gastrointestinal tract of the human body and allow the displaced microbial flora to return. The active and passive digestion and absorption of the human body become reasonable, and the three basic nutrients of the human body are balanced. The problem of the imbalance of the metabolism of substances and other substances can then regulate the symptoms of metabolic disorders and blood disorders.

    At the same time, catechin can optimize the proportion of HDL-C (good cholesterol) in human plasma to improve the ability of reverse transport, and continuously unblock the microcirculation obstacles formed around the human body, especially to solve the microcirculation of human lungs and bronchial tissues at all levels. Obstacle puzzle. To ensure the normal functioning of uninjured and unaffected lung lobules and respiratory membrane functions, and prevent further deterioration of the symptoms of injuries such as emphysema and pneumonia that have previously occurred.

    In the process of catechin unblocking the pulmonary microcirculation disorder, along with the smooth transportation of oxygen, various nutrients and immune substances required for human cell replication, the body's immune resistance is improved (the immunity of organs and tissues in the lungs will also increase) At the same time, it can also promote the reproduction and growth of tissue cells in the undamaged respiratory system, thereby eliminating the inflammatory damage and disease problems in the lungs. It is conducive to the normal function of the cells and tissues of the lungs, making the blood supply of the pulmonary vegetative blood vessels and functional blood vessels smooth, the alveolar cells are full and fresh, and the exchange process of oxygen in the air at the respiratory membrane site is smooth and effective. And gradually solve the problem of metabolic disorders of other organs and tissues of the respiratory system, which can achieve coordinated and efficient operation of various tissues and organs of the respiratory system.

    Therefore, after a period of conditioning, chronic respiratory diseases such as the lungs and bronchial tissues at all levels can be adjusted. Some lung injuries are more serious in human soil, and it takes longer to condition.

  • 这是茯茶素调节人体肠道代谢时所出现的正常现象。茯茶素是一款“食药同源”的复方功能食品,饮用茯茶素后,茯茶素开始调理 (策略干预) 胃肠道失衡及移位的微生物菌群到正常平衡状态,调节机体被动吸收过程。

    同时茯茶素还可以调节人体脂肪酶、淀粉酶、蛋白酶的活性,以便让人体消化吸收适量营养物质 (脂质物质、葡萄糖、蛋白质、微量元素等)。


    刚开始饮用茯茶素时,最好先采用饭后饮用、淡饮、慢饮、分多次均匀饮用、少饮 (由每天 1 包起量) 等方式,以便让人体的胃肠道等有一个适应期。饮用三五天等身体感受适宜后,再逐步加量至每天 2 至 4 包茯茶素即可。

  • Drinking Teadenol is really effective in conditioning diabetes and showing healing effects. Generally divided into three conditioning stages, the principle of conditioning is as follows:

    The first stage: about 1 to 10 months after drinking Teadenol, Teadenol starts by regulating the imbalanced and displaced microbial flora of the human gastrointestinal tract, and gradually improves the basic metabolism of the human body so that the basic metabolism tends to be balanced. In about two months, the blood quality of the human body can be adjusted from turbid blood, dark red blood, and poor fluidity to clear blood, bright red blood, and good fluidity. Evidence from medical evidence leads to continuous drinking of Teadenol, which can ensure the continuous good blood quality and smooth blood flow in the blood vessels, and gradually improve the human body with the optimization and increase of the density (proportion) of adenine apolipoprotein HDL-C and good cholesterol in the blood. Ability to reverse transport cellular waste.

    The performance is to clear the obstructed lipids in large and middle blood vessels, then clear the obstructed lipids in small, micro, and capillary vessels, and to clear the problem of microcirculation obstacles formed in the past to ensure that all the good cell metabolism processes of the human body are at present. Normal and smooth state. Prevent new inflammation and complications from occurring, curb the complications that have already continued to worsen and re-develote, and at the same time the typical symptoms of diabetes are gradually disappearing.

    The second stage: from the 11th to the 18th month of drinking, with the continuous dredging of the microcirculation disorder at the farthest end of the human body, it can effectively solve the problem that the cells in the whole tissue of the human body cannot get sugar supply because of the cells in the microcirculation disorder. After the problem of insufficient sugar consumption and sugar consumption, the glucose in the blood can be effectively transported to the corresponding tissue cells for cellular metabolic consumption, and the body's glucose metabolism order can be gradually restored to normal.

    Phase 3: Drinking Teadenol until about 19 to 24 months, Teadenol can gradually promote the autonomous replication and growth of previously damaged and diseased pancreatic organs and restore the normal secretion function of human insulin. New cells, and gradually restore the normal structure and function of the corresponding organs and tissues of the human body. Gradually adjust the body's glucose metabolism to a balanced state and finally regulate the problems of hyperglycemia and diabetes.

    According to the scientific research experiments before the national award and the feedback results of drinking tea from the people of all walks of life in the society after the national award, it can be known that Teadenol has a healing effect on the symptoms of conditioning glucose metabolism disorders after continuous drinking for about 18-30 months. In particular, it should be reminded that some people with severe complications of diabetes need longer conditioning time. Because people with severe complications have more inflammatory damage, it will take longer to restore the normal structure and function of the corresponding organs and tissues.

  • ❤️️ Thank you for your question April.

    1. The overall packaging of TNA is in the form of box. There are 6 small boxes in a box, each containing 10 small packets, so there are a total of 60 packets in a large box. Each small packet has a net TNA content of 1 gram and can be drunk in 300-400 ml of drinking water.
    2. According to the actual situation of metabolic chronic disease, you can first choose a box of experience pack or 6, 9, 12 boxes of fu tea vegetable set to recuperate. If you drink 2, 3, or 4 packs of TNA per day, you can drink a box of TNA for 30, 20, or 15 days. According to the comprehensive statistical analysis of the experience drinking, it is considered that the average daily consumption of 2-4 packets is appropriate.
      3, according to had been drinking TNA regulate the metabolic hypertension of the social people from all walks of life experience feedback by drinking result, TNA can help human body returning to normal metabolism, keep the blood quality is good, step by step helps the body to prevent and regulate good refractory chronic inflammation, sclerosis of arterial congee appearance, gout, slow metabolic disease such as diabetes complications. Metabolic chronic disease after decades of formation, and through conditioning to let the body to restore the ability to regulate their own metabolism balance also needs a period of time, conditioning to 18-30 months or so.
    3. The preservation of TNA is very simple. Under normal circumstances, fu tea element can be stored in a dry place at room temperature and sealed. If you go out, you can take a small box or bag with you. You can buy a bottle of drinking water and drink it at any time.
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